Concordia Theatre Dec '22
Thur 15th, Fri 16th & Sat 17th 7.30pm
Concordia Theatre, Stockwell Head, Hinckley, Leics
Have your Christmas Party with us!
Eric Darlington and the band are looking forward to welcoming you once again to our Annual Show on the stage of our "home" Theatre at Christmastime. Rehearsals are now well underway to produce a kaleidoscope of musical variety - further enhanced with superb visual effects all packaged in an exciting show carefully designed to complement your Seasonal Festivities. As usual, Ian's musical arrangements will take you on a journey from both modern and traditional pop classics through themes from recent and current blockbuster movies to the orchestral genre of Andre Rieu and the very best from our long-standing idol James Last. We look forward to your company as we create our renowned wonderful 'party atmosphere' in anticipation of 2023 and beyond!
Book tickets
Book at Theatre Box Office -
Tel: 01455 615005
Book Online at -
See Theatre website
for opening times